2. Some characteristics of good journal entries include:
- legibility
- organization
- show understanding and insight into the concept
- continually reflecting upon previous entries and adding to them/revising them
- include title, question, hypothesis, some form of data or information collected, and a summary
- include vocabulary
- have drawings/diagrams/use color
- lack organization
- lack framework under which each investigation should be set up (title, question, hypothesis, data or information, summary, etc.)
- show no reflection
- show no understanding or insight into the concept
4. Students could be assisted in creating good journal entries by the teacher first explaining the expectations for journal entries and then modeling them. As students begin to journal, the teacher should share anonymous examples of journal entries for students to critique. The teacher could also provide immediate feedback in the form of a stamp on a particular page and on occasion take a bit more time to guide students' thinking by writing questions in their journals.
The idea to share anonymous examples of journal entries to critique is good. I'd like to share this with the face to face class.